The Michigan Technological University Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity began as a colony in January, 1980. The colony was established by five men who lived on the third floor of West Wadsworth Hall and were dissatisfied with fraternities on campus at that time. These men were James Clous, Craig Ferguson, Bruce Griffin, Stephen Knapowski, and Charles Wegener. Craig Ferguson was already a member of Delta Upsilon, having been initiated into the reorganized Michigan State University Chapter at their Fraternity Installation Ceremony. Charles Wegener also had ties to the MSU Chapter through his brother, Robert Wegener, and spent many hours at the MSU Chapter house. Craig was asked by the four men if he could help them establish an Alpha Delta Upsilon Colony at MTU, and they began proceedings.
On January 9, 1980, the Delta Upsilon Fraternity sent a representative to the MTU campus to meet with the petitioners and campus officials. The petition to colonize was accepted with the condition that the colony increase membership to twenty-four men by February. This was accomplished in short order, and by the end of that month, the colony was officially designated as an Alpha Delta Upsilon Colony.
Growth of the Colony was quick at first, then painfully slow. By the end of the Fall term of 1981 the Colony membership was at forty-eight men. The requirements for Chapter Installation were fifty undergraduate members, a stable Colony organization and good standing with the Fraternity. At forty- eight members, the Colony was ineligible for Chapter Installation. After several close attempts and drops in membership, the Fraternity Executive Director Wilford A. Butler, CAE, sent an ultimatum to the Colony in October 1985. The Colony had until the end of May 1986 to increase its current membership from twenty-four and have fifty or more initiates for the Chapter Installation Ceremony. If the Colony failed, it would cease to exist as a Delta Upsilon affiliate. The challenge was answered by the membership of the Colony, and the Colony presented sixty-five men for the Oath of Initiation at the Chapter Installation Ceremonies, which took place on May 9-10, 1986. Delta Upsilon was now an official chapter at MTU.
Colony Presidents
Craig Ferguson - 1979-80
James Clous - 1980-81
Terry O’Brien - 1981-82
Stephen Knapowski - 1982-83
Darryl Muir - 1983-84
Larry Krause - 1984-85
James DeClerck - 1985-86
These men, acting as Colony Presidents, played a key role in leading the Colony towards becoming a Chapter. All of the members worked hard to complete the requirements, including the twelve pledges of Spring term 1986. The men of the Colony continued to work for the betterment of the Chapter after the receiving the Charter.
For history of Delta Upsilon as a whole and the original founding at Williams College, click below on the International history page.

The Delta Upsilon House was designed and built in 1879 by William Brimacombe Sr. for his son, William Jr., and his family. At the time, Brimacombe Sr. was a prominent builder and developer in the Houghton area. William Sr. also lived nearby and had other building projects on College Avenue. The design of the house was similar to others on College Ave., but with less exterior ornamentation. The original home had a porch that wrapped around from the College Ave. view to Agate Street, with large bay windows on two stories overlooking Agate St. and a mudroom/kitchen on the back. The construction is wood, with a cement foundation and three stories. It has a distinctive mansard-style roof with several dormer windows, and a closed front entryway with a curved "eyebrow" roof and fanlight window.
William Jr. lived in the home with his family until his death in 1893. His widow, Sarah, continued to live there with their six children until 1929, when she sold it to Chester and Evadane Smith. Chester was a mechanical engineer with the Atlas Power company. He and Evadane added a wood garage in 1922 and an enclosed back entry to offer protection from Houghton's harsh winters. Chester died in 1979, and his widow continued to live there until she sold it to MTU Alumni in 1986 for the Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Throughout the years, much of the interior has been updated, however, Delta Upsilon has preserved it's historic character and made no changes to the home exterior other than painting.